I finally found some cards of the famous Cat-Dog Test [1]:

The test consists of 13 line drawings. The first of these is clearly a cat which through successive small modifications gradually becomes a dog. In [figure above] are shown the first, seventh, and
thirteenth of the drawings, i. e . the clearest cat, the most ambiguous picture and the clearest dog. The subject is told:

I am going to show you some pictures that can be either a dog or a cat. Please tell me whether each picture is more like a cat or more like a dog. Take as much or as little time to respond as you wish This is not a test. There are no right or wrong answers Before I expose a card, I will say the word “ready ” Keep your eyes on the screen at all times. [1]

Judging from the literature [4], there is a strong correlation between a subject’s persistence on dog being cat and his/her authoritarian inclinations. When (as a student) I first read about the test, I thought: “How much should one despise the humankind to invent such a test?”. Unfortunately, in my later life I met a lot of people who would reach number 13 with flying colours.


[1] S. J. Korghin and H. Basowitz, The Judgment of Ambiguous Stimuli as an Index of Cognitive Functioning in Aging, Journal of Personality 25 n0. 1(1956), 81–95; doi:10.1111/j.1467-6494.1956.tb01290.x

They refer to

[2] E. Frenkel-Brunswick, Intolerance of ambiguity as an emotional and perceptual personality variable, Journal of Personality, 18 (1949), 108-143.

[3] I. Krasno, Authoritarian and egalitarian personality syndromes and intolerance of perceptual ambiguity. Unpublished doctor s dissertation, Univer. of Pennsylvania, 1952.

as developers of the Test. A general discussion of authoritarianism scales can be found in

[4] Review of: Emotional Flexibility-Rigidity as a Comprehensive Dimension of Mind by Sigvard Rubenowitz. O. J. Harvey, The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 71, No. 5. (Mar., 1966), pp. 590-591. Stable URL.